Following some concerns of callers to our phone line we are seeking to clarify current situation regarding cancellation of appointments. The best site to check is the HSE link below as this updates daily.
Most Pain Consultants are employed primarily as an Anaesthetist and are integral to the safe and effective care of patients along with those now diagnosed with COVID-19 and those critically ill patients while also playing a role in informing and reassuring the public about this viral outbreak. Many working in a private capacity have answered the call and are working alongside their frontline public colleagues.
Pain Clinics, outpatient appointments, face to face appointments are postponed as a result of international directives surrounding patient and staff safety with the aim of reducing spread of virus. It is anticipated that as services resume procedures and appointments will be rescheduled. The HSE updates their pages regarding each hospital’s current position regarding their appointments and clinics on a daily basis see HERE to access these pages and do check them regularly.
So for example if you are being treated in Cork, by checking the link above and selecting your hospital – you will see the criteria being used e.g Scheduled outpatient appointments have been cancelled or replaced by telephone clinics”.
This situation is being revised on a day to day basis and differs from hospital to hospital but we are encouraged to see the efforts being made and some of the innovative supports that are now in place via telephone clinics etc.
While uncertainty surrounding your healthcare is frightening and current inability to access treatments, we would ask that you TRY to avoid or limit stress, don’t catastrophize about what might happen. Have a read of article in our e-zine HERE on the importance of minding the gap, which is very relevant considering the changes that we are experiencing at the moment.
We will monitor the disruption to services and will keep you updated as further information becomes available.