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Pain Management chronic pain booster & implementation workshop

January 29 @ 10:30 - 12:30

Booster and implementation workshop for chronic pain

Pain Management chronic pain booster & implementation workshop

Our series of courses and workshops look at ways to manage and cope with the challenge of chronic pain.  As you will know, pain management involves adapting to change by adopting a new set of habits that are often the opposite of what we are used to.  It’s no surprise that it’s hard to do!

People often fly high for a while after a course or workshop, but it’s easy to lose momentum and slip back into those old unhelpful habits. With this in mind, we are pleased to offer a bi-monthly session which focusses on helping you to regain the motivation to get back in to the habit of pain management.

.These sessions are open to anyone who has completed any of the following: Living Well courses, CPI “5 week” course, all 12 CPI workshops or a hospital run pain management programme.  The sessions are there for you to bring your questions and to explore whatever is needed to help you to re-invigorate your pain management habit.  The aim is to give you a boost, perhaps to re-assure, to re-motivate or just to know it’s ok to keep doing what helps.

The sessions are not so much about new information, rather they’re about finding ways to put what you know back into practice.   As usual the sessions will be friendly and interactive.  The topic(s) and focus are set at the start of each meeting within the group.

Note: Above sessions are only open to current members of Chronic Pain Ireland and those that have completed a workshops or programmes.  Not a member? Join Today 



January 29
10:30 - 12:30
Event Category:


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