By joining our community you give CPI a stronger voice. A strong membership base will enable us to increase our lobbying power in raising awareness of the condition, encourage the reform of education while highlighting the lack of resources and the need for multi-disciplined pain management services throughout the country. Your support will enable us to continue our other support activities which include:
- Public & Professional Awareness Campaigns
- Actively participate in Irish and European Research
- Provision of CPI Self-Management Workshops
- Education & Information Events
- Support Meetings with invited Guest Speakers
- Support Phone Line
- Courses are free on joining CPI
- Monthly updates via ezine
- Notification of Events and Meetings
- Opportunity to participate in research
- Gift of CPI I have chronic pain lanyard
On joining Chronic Pain Ireland you are consenting that your personal data can be stored and used to communicate regarding membership services and to inform regarding any upcoming services and opportunities of interest. Data is not shared with third parties.
Unfortunately chronic pain is still viewed by many in the general public as a symptom and the concept of persistent chronic pain is still approached by some with a degree of skepticism. This has lead to those living with persistent pain to feel isolated and stigmatised. In joining Chronic Pain Ireland we believe you, we listen and by becoming a part of our community you’ll find peer to peer support with no stigma or injustice.
We aim to assist you in showing the unseen effects that this condition has on every aspect of a person’s life while informing you of the treatments and options available to manage your condition.