SIP Ireland: New Leadership

Feb 13, 2024

SIP Ireland:

A national SIP platform is an umbrella organisation grouping national or regional organizations and associations interested and active in pain care. These organisations come together and form a multidisciplinary coalition that should be representative of the collective interests of all involved parties.

The Societal Impact of Pain (SIP) Ireland Platform is inaugurating the new year with a change in leadership. Moving forward, Anna Marie Kiernan from the Irish Pain Society and Martina Phelan from Chronic Pain Ireland will co-lead the Irish Platform. Below, you’ll find additional details about both representatives.

Irish Pain Society

The Irish Pain Society, is a non-profit organisation comprised of multidisciplinary healthcare professionals and scientists, dedicated to research, educational and clinical aspects of pain management.

Anna Marie Kiernan is a Candidate Advanced Nurse Practitioner in Pain Management in the first dedicated Pain Management Centre in Ireland based in Croom Orthopaedic Hospital, ULHG. With over 20 years of Nursing experience, Anna Marie has always had a huge dedication to the delivery of best care. She holds a Masters in Pain Management from Cardiff University, a Postgraduate Certificate in Nurse Prescribing and a Postgraduate Diploma in Healthcare Innovation. Anna Marie has been instrumental in the development and roll of new services at the ULHG Pain Management Centre since opening in 2021. By focusing on appropriate patient diagnosis to support best treatment, routine patient wait times have significantly reduced from 190 weeks to 30 weeks. Anna Marie has led on the development of educational programmes, audit and research in the area of pain medicine to support best practice. Anna Marie continues to focus on the area of innovation in the delivery of best multidimensional patient care with the development of an ANP led Rapid Access Assessment service, Neuropathic Pain assessment and treatment services and is currently focusing on the potential benefit of the use of augmented reality in the assessment and treatment of pain. Anna Marie is also a committee member of the Irish Pain Society.

Chronic Pain Ireland

Chronic Pain Ireland is a charity that supports, educates and advocates for people with chronic pain.

Martina Phelan lived experience of life with chronic pain over three decades. Chair of National Patient Support Group Chronic Pain Ireland whose mission is to create a greater understanding of those living with Chronic Pain in Ireland. Empowering, educating and supporting those living with the condition and their families through guidance and information provision while advocating within the wider community.  Has wealth of knowledge having engaged in both EU and National Public Patient Involvement (PPI) initiatives and research.  Has contributed to many Steering Committees and Committees and is currently the PPI representative with the College of Anaesthetics, Faculty Pain Medicine in Ireland.

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